Hello There

I’m Mark Zimmerman, welcome to The Urban Sands!

This site is a professional portfolio/personal blog with articles and photo journals covering a number of subjects. I’m currently pursuing a degree in journalism and public communications. I hope this blog can help me document some of my experiences while also sharing exciting news from my life and work. 


I was born in 2003 in Anchorage, Alaska. My passion for writing and sharing stories began early on, when I had an obsession with comics and cartoons. While I was very interested in visual art as a kid, I always found writing and reporting far more accessible. I want my reporting to reflect what I find community and joy in. Most of my articles either focus on some specific interests of mine, stories from the world-at-large, or interviews and profiles. 

I’m passionate about many things, but writing, travelling, news, technology, and urban exploration take paramount importance to me. I’m hoping to build a career that allows me to focus on writing about what I love in an informative, funny, or insightful manner. Feel free to contact me if you have any comments or questions!

Contact Me!

Based in Anchorage, Alaska


+1 (907) 830-5992



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